Journal of Sport Studies-Novus

Journal of Sport Studies-Novus (EJSS)
ISSN :xxxx-xxxx
Call for Papers Volume 03, Issue 12, December 2022, Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication, included in many leading abstracting and indexing open-access databases.International Jounral of Science and Innovative Research is welcoming original Research Articles, Book Reviews,Reviewd Articles,Please you can reach us if you have any queries send emai to :


European Journal of  Sports Studies-Novus is a scientific electronic journal established by Novus Publishers, publishing both research and review articles in the fields of sports and exercise sciences as well as Applied Sciences. EJSS-Novus also publishes: progress articles, case studies, technical articles, editorials, and abstracts from international and national congresses. EJSS-Novus is published quarterly in March, June, September and December.

PhD scholars, Researchers, and professionals from academia and industry are solicited to submit completed research and developments in the listed areas below. With a large research community of authors, readers, editors and reviewers bounded together by their talent and integrity, EJSSNOVUS publications are available online freely for everyone worldwide. All published papers undergo high-quality peer review and rigorous editorial processes.

 Topics Covered:-

Sport History, Sport medicine, Sport Bio-mechanics, Biology of sport, Sport coaching & performance, Exercise physiology, Sport nutrition, Sport Biochemistry, Sport Biomechanics, Sports psychology, Philosophical and sports sociology Sport Management, Sport Pedagogy, Adapted Physical Activity, Sport Anthropometry, Sport History, Sports Law, Sport Journalism, Applied Sciences, Human Kinesiology, and Sport and Exercise Physiology, Sport and Exercise   Sciences, Sport Administration, Yoga Education,  Social Sciences and Multidisciplinary Subjects. Articles must be of high academic/clinical rigours and may be in the form of original article, review, perspectives, case reports, and letter to the editor or essays.

Call for Papers 

European Journal of  Sports Studies-Novus invites manuscripts for the next issue i.e. Volume 1 Issue 01, 2022. Author can also send their article along with covering letter to 

Online submission of the manuscript is strongly recommended, author may also submit their Manuscript through this publisher’s portal. 


European Journal of  Sports Studies-Novus is strictly against Plagiarism. Verification of  the originality of content submitted before publication is very essential.